Thursday, February 23, 2012

Simptom dan alahan - 9 weeks pregnant!weeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~

hmmm...terasa perut ini membuncit..but actually perut ni memang buncit pun, hahaha! i have quite a thick tummy since my teenage year...hihiiihi..and its getting thicker i noticed! But i love it! get bigger and bigger fast pleaseee!!

So, lets talk about my alahan..personally me ok :
- mulut penuh dengan air liur..rase nak meludah je..loya :(
-sakit pinggang macam nenek kebayan...sometimes solat pun kene duduk..huhuhu
-selalu kene gastrik...oh..sgt sakit..sob sob..
- tak suke udang ( before this i am a big fan of udang ok! )
- not really into nasi ..for me this is pelik,,tak boleh sgt nak telan nasi,,weeeuukkk
- my feberet yong tao foo soup is no longer in my must have list - loya tekak nak hirup sup die yg suddenly has no taste!..uhukhuk..kalau beli beli yang sos itam tu :)
- cannot smell any tumis2..i try to tahan if i have to cook something.but most of the time, rase nak muntah bile bau org goreng ikan or ape sahaja tumisan
- malas malas dan malas..sgt malas masak..pity my hubby have to spent money makan luar most everyday
- penggeli..geli nak masuk dapur kalau kotor, basuh pinggan kalau ade sisa makanan yang byk..loya yg melampau dengan bau busuk ( tulis bende2 ni pun da kembang tekak..*hijauuuu*hohoho)
- lastly, i cannot tahan  bau peluh my hubby, especially bile die baru balik car sekarang dah bau peluh die..sgt tak tahan!weekkk!
-basically very sensitive dengan bau

yang I suke :

-makan western - burger, nugget ke, kfc :p
-makan mihun tomyam ke selere sikit sbb masam
-tido sebab cepat mengantukk
-makan soupy2 punyer menu yang pedas2 dan masam2 rase thats it..basically I enjoyed the feeling of being pregnant..just that sometimes tak tahan dengan gastric dan sakit pinggang sampai tak boleh tido malam..huhuuhu

But I am lucky i have a very supportive husband...he is willing to wake up in the middle of the nite and put oilment dekat pinggang or urut me when i have a restless night..I can really feel his love towards me when he do all that..thank you sayang ^_^

So lets see how is my little miracle looks like in week 9!

ok, lets see week 8!

Can you see the different??! Oh i just cant wait to see and touch my little miracle!

Membesar dengan sihat dan sempurna ye anak ibu... :)

Till then, tata guys!

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